Micah 6:1-8, Epiphany 4 A, February 2,
Grace and peace be unto you from God our
Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Atticus Finch vs. Racism
The book and subsequent movie, To Kill a Mockingbird, have become
classics. This coming-of-age story has influenced generations of children as
they also come of age. At some point, all children learn of terrible evils and
how they can live in this world despite them.
The courtroom scene in that book and movie is
a classic. The narrator Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, is the lawyer for a
black man named Tom Robinson who is charged with raping a white woman, Mayella
Ewell. Because of the rampant racism during the thirties, Atticus knows that he
will loose the case. However, he chooses to represent Tom Robinson because he
wants to teach his daughter Scout about justice.
So, during the trial Atticus skillfully shows
the court that Mayella’s severe bruises were caused by a left-handed man, but
Tom Robinson’s left hand is lame. Through examinations, Atticus brings out the
truth that Mayella wanted Tom Robinson, but he refused her advances. So,
Mayella used her white privilege to charge Tom Robinson with rape. Indeed,
Atticus shrewdly discovers that it was Mayella’s father who beat her.
Yet, despite Atticus’ hard work and excellent
execution, the court finds Tom Robinson guilty. There was nothing that Atticus
could have done to change his client’s charges. This was a hard lesson for
Scout to learn: in that age the evil of racism could not be overpowered by
sound judgment and kind souls.
God vs. Israel
Evil like racism has been around for
centuries. Sometimes sound judgment and kind souls can make a difference. In
fact, that is exactly what God asks of the people of Israel in our first
lesson. In Micah chapter 6, we hear of a very different courtroom scene. This figurative
one does not take place within a building; instead, it is set outside where the
whole world can hear. There is a judge ready to hear the case that God, the
plaintiff, sets before him. The people of Israel are the defendants. The
mountains and hills form the gallery. Instead of revealing the entire trial,
the author only gives one statement for each party.
As the scene begins, the judge addresses the
Lord for all to hear, saying, “Lord, now is your time to speak your peace. Tell
all of us what you have to say. Your message will resound around the earth,
through the mountains and in the valleys.”
Then the judge turns to the defendants’ table
and addresses them, saying, “Listen, people of this earth, to what your Lord
has to say. Even as the Lord’s voice will ring throughout creation, so also
will it ring in your ears. The Lord has an argument to pick with you, the
Lord’s people of Israel.”
Finished with his opening speech, the judge
turns back to the plaintiff’s table. He gives the Lord the floor to speak to
the assembly.
Instead of addressing the judge or the jury,
the Lord then turns to His people sitting behind the defendants’ table. Addressing
them, He says, “O my people, what have I done to you? How could I possibly have
exhausted you? I do not understand. Over and over again, I have saved you from
terrible misfortune. I delivered you from slavery in Egypt, freeing you from
hard labor and cruel punishment. I gave you leaders like Moses, Aaron, and
Miriam to guide you to the land that I promised to you.
“O my people, do you not remember how King
Balak of Moab had schemed to have Balaam curse all of you before you even
entered this land? I stopped Balaam from cursing you. I opened the mouth of his
donkey so he could understand his folly. Balaam blessed you because I
intervened. Then I gave you the land that I promised.
“By now you should know the saving acts of
the Lord.”
With that, the Lord finished his statement
and returned to his seat. The judge gestured that it was the people’s turn to
respond. The defendants’ representative rose and responded,
“What do you want from us? How can we
approach you, bowing down before your presence? Do you want a burnt offering?
Maybe our finest fatted calves? Or would you like thousands of rams, or all of
the oil we can muster? What about my firstborn son, the fruit of my body for
the sin of my soul? What is enough for you? Can we ever make amends?”
The judge does not need time to decide his verdict.
He declares, “The Lord has already told you – did you not listen? You know what
is good in the Lord’s eyes. All that the Lord requests for your sentence is to
do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. Seek out ways
to stand up for one another; always share kindness with friends, foes, and
strangers; and enjoy a simply fulfilling relationship with your God. That is
There, the scene ends. The Lord showed that He
felt justified in his actions. After saving the people of Israel time and time
again, the Lord could not understand why the people complained so much. The
people responded by suggesting outrageous sacrifices, including their
firstborn. Clearly, the people did not understand the purpose of the rituals in
their tradition. Then, the judge described for all what the Lord really wanted,
not empty rituals but a sound relationship.
Do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly with
our God. I wonder if the people of Israel thought that they were off the hook
with this one. Or did they realize what a huge expectation this is? Each of
these expectations individually requires a lot of effort. All three together is
an enormous undertaking.
First, to do justice, in Hebrew mishpat, means to follow God’s law.
Inherent in God’s justice is caring for those who are least among us, the ones
who once were widows, orphans, and foreign visitors. Now, that category also
includes those living in poverty and the young and old who cannot care for
Next, to love kindness means to appreciate
God’s love, in Hebrew chesed. After
receiving God’s loving kindness, we are to share this exact loving kindness to
everyone. This can also be described as compassion, empathy, and benevolence.
We can share God’s love with others.
Finally, we are to “walk humbly with our
God.” This one is harder to define. Although humility is certainly an important
part of our relationship with God, this phrase may also mean to be peaceful,
modest, or meaningful. The Lord expects us to fully participate in the life of
the church so that what we offer is never meaningless.
In To
Kill A Mockingbird, Scout and Atticus Finch show us how evil racism can be.
In Micah, the prophet shows us that God has already overcome the worst evil in
our world. The least we can do in response is to care for the least among us as
an expression of God’s love in response to all that God has already done. Amen.
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